Feeling Rushed
Like a fish on a hook
Being reeled in
Being pulled forward at lightening speed
This is how I feel
Especially when people are around me
And my nervous system is on
I can't find the words
I can't slow down enough to think
I just constantly feel like
I'm being pulled forward by an
Invisible force
Rushing me along
Time is racing
I want to slow down
This death anniversary too
It is heavy on my mind
It's approaching all too quickly
I need the quiet
I need the peace
I need to be able to sit
And think
So that I can write
And let flow out of me the
Surge of potent emotion
That has been pent up
And suppressed for an entire year
But I also want to be with him
To test those waters
Because our time together
In the same physical space
Is so few and far between
What to do?
But let go