Essence of Love
This heart of mine, it will never truly be frozen in an enternal winter. For love is the essence of who I am. I love. I love deep. I love fierce. I love indiscriminately. If I can look at a face, soak in its essence not even knowing the name or the story behind the face and feel a deep, resounding love for the person attached to the face, Imagine - just imagine what I feel for those intimately connected to me in this life. Frozen, no. Paralyzed at times by rejection, yes. But it's you who does not know what to do with love. You who perhaps have never been loved, with an unconditional love like mine. In love, I come alive. In love, it is you who freezes. So instead of planting the seeds of doubt about this goodness that is love in me... Perhaps ask yourself WHY does love make you freeze?